Space Designation: Social
This area is designated for casual use and lively group work. Expect busy spaces, conversations, and noise from electronic devices.
What is a One Button Studio?
A One Button Studio is a simple, user-friendly recording space designed for projects like presentations, podcasting, and practicing class presentations. It allows users to easily record and save their work with minimal technical setup.
Reserving A Studio
Use the online scheduling tool to reserve a One Button Studio (Alto, Soprano, Tenor, Bass). You will need to login with your EUID and password.
- Booths are available whenever [Willis Library][willis] is open for 2 hours at a time.
- Check out at [the Spark][spark] with your UNT ID. A Spark employee will accompany you to the booth at check-out and check-in.
- Bass studio must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance. Request will be approved after review if proper training has been completed by the requester.
Using A Studio
- Instructions for the One Button technology are in each booth.
- Training can be requested in advance.
- Recordings must be saved to a personal device.
- Technology must be left in the same or better condition.
- Lock the door and notify the Spark desk when you are done, or the studio will remain checked out and fines could incur.
- If the room you reserved as one and you plan to use the LightBoard and would like to use the markers, they are also available for checkout from the [Spark Service Desk][spark]. Bass and Tenor have LightBoards at this time.
- 1-2 Presenters
- Bass can accommodate up to 4
- Tenor and Bass are wheelchair accessible spaces.
- One button studios are located in public space, have windows, and there is no expectation of privacy, however studios are largely distraction-free.
- Inside noise levels are significantly reduced from the outside environment, but please note that loud noises may still be heard.
Which Studio is Right for You?
- BASS: Equipped with a LightBoard for recording and live streaming. Markers for the LightBoard can be checked out from the Spark Service Desk.
- TENOR: Dual-purpose space for media viewing/transfer and recording. Users need to bring their own camera/microphone setup. Equipment can be reserved from the Spark.
- ALTO & SOPRANO: Smaller studios for individual recording.
Noise Level
- One button studios are contained spaces with modest soundproofing but are located on collaborative floors.
Reserving a Studio
- Use the online scheduling tool to reserve a One Button Studio (Alto, Soprano, Tenor, Bass) with your EUID and password.
- Training is required before using the recording booths.
- Reservations must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance.
- Booths are available during Willis Library hours for up to 2 hours at a time.
- Check out at the Spark with your UNT ID. A Spark employee will assist with booth check-out and check-in.
Using a Studio
- Instructions for One Button technology are in each booth.
- Training is required in advance.
- Save recordings to a personal device (at least 32 GB).
- Leave technology in the same or better condition.
- Lock the door and notify the Spark desk when done to avoid fines.
- Markers for LightBoard (if using) are available for checkout from the Spark Service Desk.
- 1-2 presenters (Bass can accommodate up to 4)
- Tenor and Bass are wheelchair accessible.
- Studios are in public spaces with windows and no expectation of privacy, but are largely distraction-free.
- Inside noise levels are reduced, but loud noises may still be heard.
Floor Guide
Lower Level
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)

First Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Student Computer Lab (Room: 130) Instruction Space
Service Desks
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- Check Out Materials
- Computer Labs
- Course Reserves
- Interlibrary Loan Borrowing and Document Delivery
- Library Instruction
- Check Out Laptops
- Printing, Scanning, Photocopies
- Family Workstations
- Self Checkout Machine
- Vending Machines

Second Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Service Desks
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- Computer Labs
- Film & Gaming Equipment
- Media Gaming Stations
- Media Reference Services
- Media Transfer Services
- Services for Persons with Disabilities
- Printing, Scanning, Photocopies
- Reserving a Study Space
- Tutoring Services
- Lactation & Prayer Room

Third Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- General Book Collection

Fourth Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Service Desks
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- Check Out Materials
- Course Reserves
- Willis Library Lockers
- Printing, Scanning, Photocopies
- Special Collections: Research
- Special Collections: Classroom and Group Visits
- Technology & Computing Overview
- Family / Gender Neutral Restroom