University Libraries

Welcome to the UNT Libraries.

Drag/drop to reorder these shortcuts. Options subject to change, and reset every 6 months. (for you: )
Your Items
Accounts Login

Accounts Login

Check the status of holds, renew, etc with your catalog login. Login to your ILL or Aeon account.

Talk to a librarian
Ask Us

Ask Us

Chat, text, call, & e-mail. Find a Subject Librarian, other employees, or a department.

Room Reservations
Schedule Some Study Time

Schedule Some Study Time

Grab a space for yourself or a group by reserving a room, study pod, or a One Button Studio.

New Around Here?
First Year Experience & Orientation

First Year Experience & Orientation

It can all be a bit much at first. This guide was designed to get you started.

Citing Sources
Citations & Style Guide

Citations & Style Guide

Information and resources on how to cite references correctly.

Subjects and Courses

Subjects and Courses

Curated information on a specific subject or for a UNT course.

Selected Info For:
Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Students

Curated lists of links to services, policies, and other tools suited most for Undergraduate Students.

Selected Info For:
Graduate Students

Graduate Students

Curated lists of links to services, policies, and other tools suited most for Graduate Students.

Selected Info For:
Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Curated lists of links to services, policies, and other tools suited most for Faculty & Staff.

Selected Info For:
Community Members & Visitors

Community Members & Visitors

Curated lists of links to services, policies, and other tools suited most for Community Members & Visitors.

Selected Info For:
Off Campus Users

Off Campus Users

Curated lists of links to services, policies, and other tools suited most for Off Campus Users.

Selected Info For:
Persons With Disabilities

Persons With Disabilities

Curated lists of links to services, policies, and other tools suited most for Persons With Disabilities.


The UNT Libraries facilitate teaching, learning, and research for students, faculty, and information seekers at UNT and around the world. Our expert staff, spaces, services, and collections support your academic success and lifelong learning.


Events, Activities, Meetings, Etc.