Space Designation: Social
This area is designated for casual use and lively group work. Expect busy spaces, conversations, and noise from electronic devices.
What is a One Button Studio?
A One Button Studio is a simple, user-friendly recording space designed for projects like presentations, podcasting, and practicing class presentations. It allows users to easily record and save their work with minimal technical setup.
Reserving A Studio
Use the online scheduling tool to reserve a One Button Studio (Alto, Soprano, Tenor, Bass). You will need to login with your EUID and password.
- Booths are available whenever Willis Library is open for 2 hours at a time.
- Check out at the Spark with your UNT ID. A Spark employee will accompany you to the booth at check-out and check-in.
- Bass studio must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance. Request will be approved after review if proper training has been completed by the requester.
Using A Studio
- Instructions for the One Button technology are in each booth.
- Training can be requested in advance.
- Recordings must be saved to a personal device.
- Technology must be left in the same or better condition.
- Lock the door and notify the Spark desk when you are done, or the studio will remain checked out and fines could incur.
- If the room you reserved as one and you plan to use the LightBoard and would like to use the markers, they are also available for checkout from the Spark Service Desk. Bass and Tenor have LightBoards at this time.
- 1-2 Presenters
- Bass can accommodate up to 4
- Tenor and Bass are wheelchair accessible spaces.
- One button studios are located in public space, have windows, and there is no expectation of privacy, however studios are largely distraction-free.
- Inside noise levels are significantly reduced from the outside environment, but please note that loud noises may still be heard.
Which Studio is Right for You?
- BASS: Equipped with a LightBoard for recording and live streaming. Markers for the LightBoard can be checked out from the Spark Service Desk.
- TENOR: Dual-purpose space for media viewing/transfer and recording. Users need to bring their own camera/microphone setup. Equipment can be reserved from the Spark.
- ALTO & SOPRANO: Smaller studios for individual recording.
Noise Level
- One button studios are contained spaces with modest soundproofing but are located on collaborative floors.
Reserving a Studio
- Use the online scheduling tool to reserve a One Button Studio (Alto, Soprano, Tenor, Bass) with your EUID and password.
- Training is required before using the recording booths.
- Reservations must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance.
- Booths are available during Willis Library hours for up to 2 hours at a time.
- Check out at the Spark with your UNT ID. A Spark employee will assist with booth check-out and check-in.
Using a Studio
- Instructions for One Button technology are in each booth.
- Training is required in advance.
- Save recordings to a personal device (at least 32 GB).
- Leave technology in the same or better condition.
- Lock the door and notify the Spark desk when done to avoid fines.
- Markers for LightBoard (if using) are available for checkout from the Spark Service Desk.
- 1-2 presenters (Bass can accommodate up to 4)
- Tenor and Bass are wheelchair accessible.
- Studios are in public spaces with windows and no expectation of privacy, but are largely distraction-free.
- Inside noise levels are reduced, but loud noises may still be heard.
Floor Guide
Lower Level
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)

First Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Student Computer Lab (Room: 130) Instruction Space
Service Desks
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- Check Out Materials
- Computer Labs
- Course Reserves
- Interlibrary Loan Borrowing and Document Delivery
- Library Instruction
- Check Out Laptops
- Printing, Scanning, Photocopies
- Family Workstations
- Self Checkout Machine
- Vending Machines

Second Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Service Desks
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- Computer Labs
- Film & Gaming Equipment
- Media Gaming Stations
- Media Reference Services
- Media Transfer Services
- Services for Persons with Disabilities
- Printing, Scanning, Photocopies
- Reserving a Study Space
- Tutoring Services
- Lactation & Prayer Room

Third Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- General Book Collection

Fourth Floor
Public Spaces / Study Rooms
Service Desks
Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)
- Check Out Materials
- Course Reserves
- Willis Library Lockers
- Printing, Scanning, Photocopies
- Special Collections: Research
- Special Collections: Classroom and Group Visits
- Technology & Computing Overview
- Family / Gender Neutral Restroom