Media Library Collection Development Policy

University Libraries, UNT Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


This policy addresses the collection development policies of the UNT Libraries and describes the methods of acquisition and selection in the Media Library department.


The Media Library department acquires and licenses audiovisual and gaming resources to enhance research and instruction in support of curricula and interdisciplinary research in all undergraduate and graduate programs.


The Media Library’s primary audience is the students, faculty, and staff of UNT. Due to the nature of these resources, requests for access or use of physical and digital collections outside of the university community are considered on the basis of availability and intended use.

Scope Of Coverage

Visual Formats

Physical visual media formats are preferred for purchase when available. Encoded disc formats will be purchased in North American or All Region formats and include closed captions when available.

Video and audio cassette formats may continue to be purchased under certain circumstances for instructional purposes, but other obsolete audiovisual formats will not be considered for acquisition.

Digital / Streaming Formats

Streaming formats for instruction, education, and research will be considered for purchase on the basis of the title’s availability, cost, and licensing terms. Requests to license streaming formats for instructional use will consider the nature of the course, number of students enrolled, and frequency that the course will be offered.

Game Formats

Board games, video games (PC, console, handheld, vintage) and equipment will be collected in contemporary and obsolete formats to support students and faculty interested in games and gaming as a recreational and research area.

New Formats

Media Library staff will maintain an awareness of new formats and will plan for collection growth and the purchase of equipment to support emerging formats.

Selection Guidelines


UNT Faculty, Subject Liaisons, staff, and students are encouraged to recommend materials in the fields of their expertise to support the curriculum and research mission of the university.

The Media Library Head, Media Arts and Digitization Librarian, and Games and Education Librarian are responsible for developing and maintaining the Media Library’s collections to provide sustainable access and support to the curriculum and research interests of the university, its faculty, students, and staff.

Selection Criteria

The Media Library collects Film and Game resources that support the curriculum and research interests of faculty, staff, and students.

Films are selected on the basis of quality of content including lasting value, currency, accessibility, awards recognition, technical quality, aesthetic appeal, cultural impact, enhanced editions, and bonus features.

Games are selected on the basis of use, creation, and impact to gaming.

Materials in all languages will be collected. English language subtitles are preferred on all foreign materials. Dubbed films will be purchased only if no subtitled version can be obtained.

All resources are acquired through objective selection and evaluation. The Media Library practices fair and unbiased selection and is opposed to censorship.


Gifts will be accepted if they meet the scope and selection criteria of the collection. Materials must be legally acquired. All donors must agree to the UNT Libraries Gift Policy and must complete a University of North Texas Libraries Gift Agreement Form. Acceptance of a gift does not guarantee inclusion in the collection.

Only legally acquired materials will be added to the collection.


Media items may be transferred from one format to another as needed and/or required with permission from the distributor. If permission cannot be obtained or the material cannot be purchased at a reasonable price, the Media Library follows the guidelines set forth in Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 108 of the U.S. Code.

Public Performance Rights

The UNT Media Library holds no public performance rights for many of its feature films. Educational materials will be purchased with Public Performance Rights when possible. The UNT Media Library holds no public performance rights for many of its feature films. Any public showing that is not part of face-to-face teaching may require a license. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring department or organization to request that permission be secured and to pay the licensee for any public showing. Public Performance Rights for other titles will be determined and negotiated on the basis of need.


  • Approved: 06/25/12
  • Revised: 01/12/17, 06/28/24

License Information

This Policy: "Media Library Collection Development Policy" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.