Willis Library: Classroom (Room: 340)

Space Designation: Collaborative

This area is designated for groups to gather and work together with consideration for others. Expect to hear conversations, group activity, and limited cell phone usage.

About This Space

Room 340 is a large classroom located on the 3rd floor of Willis Library. It is used for UNT classes, presentations, and group study.

  • Seats: 25
  • Amenities: Staff/Teaching/Presenter station, Open/mobile seating, Mobile whiteboard
  • Technology: PC, Projector, HDMI, Microphone, Webcam

rows of empty black mobile chairs with swivel arm

presentation station and screen with tables, chairs, and a mobile whiteboard

Floor Guide

Third Floor

Public Spaces / Study Rooms

Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)

  • General Book Collection


Third Floor Map of Willis Library
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