This year’s OA Symposium is being scheduled to coincide with OA Week (October 21-27, 2024), but we’re not letting the conversation wait until October! Instead, we’re hosting the OA Summer Speaker Series. The series will feature open access practitioners and advocates in a series of talks on the third Thursday of each month this summer.
This is a collaborative event between the University of North Texas Libraries and the Texas State University Libraries.
All talks will take place via Zoom and will run from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays: May 16, June 20, July 18, and August 15. Register here to save the dates!
Our May session, “Toward Equity in Global Scholarly Communication: The Role of OA in Reducing Epistemic Injustices,” and our speakers include our own Dr. Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, the head of the Digital Curation Unit at the UNT Libraries, and Dr. Angel Y. Ford, Assistant Professor at University at Albany’s College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity and the director of the Global Epistemic Justice Lab.
You can also find us at TCDL, where we’ll be chatting about OA topics to help us plan the OA Symposium.
If you have questions, please contact: scholarlycommunication@unt.edu.