The External Relations team has been awarded honors in two separate categories of TLA’s Branding Iron Awards. A Day at UNT Library video won in the Broadcast Advertising category, and the “Label Me” campaign series of tags and logo designs was a winner in the category of Logos and Brands. The “Label Me” campaign was created based on the concept of taking ownership of nicknames given to individuals and giving those individuals an opportunity to wear their labels proudly and confidently.
“Through the Label Me campaign, we have found that the students truly value individualism and invest in what they feel represents their personality and beliefs,” explains Marketing Director Joshua Sylve. “This campaign is really an extension of the Libraries’ many services tailored to the needs and best interests of our diverse student population.
“Since the campaign’s launch in 2012, the buttons have been changed to add new labels that vary from nicknames to niche groups that are represented on campus. The buttons disappear almost as soon as they are set out, and the Libraries currently orders over 10,000 of them every semester.
Congratulations to the External Relations team for these two well-deserved awards!