Recently, the Texas Digital Newspaper Program (TDNP) reached two million pages of Texas newspapers on The Portal to Texas History. Made digitally available from microfilm, physical pages, and PDF e-print editions, the newspapers offer a glimpse into daily life in Texas from 1829 to the present. The collection represents communities from across Texas with newspapers from high schools, colleges, large cities, small towns, and special interest groups.
The Digital Newspaper Team supports any kind of Texas newspaper preservation, and each member’s effort advances the larger success of TDNP and the communities who have added their newspapers to the collection. Individuals, community societies, and institutions have all contributed to the TDNP in order to preserve their heritage and support research and education on a worldwide scale. We particularly wish to thank the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Tocker Foundation, the Ladd and Katherine Hancher Foundation, and the Abilene Library Consortium for their generous patronage.
The two million page milestone does not just represent the work of the Digital Newspaper Team at UNT; it also shows how much newspaper preservation and access mean to communities throughout Texas. On November 6, 2014, the UNT Libraries will host a celebration for the partners who have made this possible, at which point the Texas Digital Newspaper Program will approach 2.5 million pages!