The University of North Texas Libraries’ Dean’s Innovation Grant, formerly known as the Green Light To Greatness Award, provides funding to research and projects within the UNT Libraries that promote scholarship and contribute to the gathering of knowledge that helps improve our libraries, our university, and the community.
Dean’s Innovation Grant 2014 Awardees
Karen Harker, Sian Brannon, Frank Gosnell
Project Title
MINES for Libraries: Usage of Electronic Resources
Project Description
MINES is a program that is used for measuring usage of library resources through short, random surveys that ask users about their relation to the institution they’re using, their location, and general feedback about the resources. The goal of this project was to use MINES for Libraries to find out the reasons for electronic resource usage and information about the people who utilize them.
Contributor Biographies
Karen Harker is the Collection Assessment Librarian in Collection Development. She received her Master of Library Science from TWU and has a Master of Public Health from the UT School of Public Health.
Sian Brannon, Ph.D. is the Associate Dean for Collection Management. She has a Ph.D. from TWU and a master’s degree from UNT, both in library science.
Frank Gosnell is the Libraries Programmer and Virtual Infrastructure.