Historic War Department Manuals Online

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The UNT Digital Library contains a small treasure trove of rare War Department Manuals from the World War II era. Because these documents were routinely superseded by newer editions, most libraries discarded them. We are lucky indeed that our own Government Documents Department maintained this collection for so many years–providing us with a snapshot of Army life and an understanding of the equipment and field techniques used during the war.

The physical collection contains more than 400 items. So far about a hundred have been digitized and made available via the UNT Digital Library. These include War Department Field Manuals such as Dog Transportation, Chemical Decontamination Company, and Teletypewriter Switching and Relay Procedure. We also have War Department Technical Manuals such as Theory of Ballooning, Materials for Protective Concealment, and Ordnance Maintenance. The Technical Manuals have been of particular interest to museums, historical groups, and enthusiasts seeking to rebuild or maintain vintage equipment.

The War Department Manuals are part of a growing selection of online materials that help us comprehend this troubled period of world history. You may also be interested in the:

–submitted by Nancy Reis, Publications Specialist, Digital Libraries Division