Contribute to Gaming

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The UNT Media Library began collecting video and board games in the Fall of 2009 in support of game design, mass media, and popular culture research studies. In January 2010, the Media Library started circulating board games, video games, consoles, and accessories. Monthly open gaming events and tabletop design workshops engage the gaming community on campus with the Libraries through non-traditional media. The GameOn event series launched to bring together enthusiasts and game developers from across multiple disciplines. Students compete in friendly tournaments that include both tabletop and videogames, and are provided the opportunity to test drive the latest titles from popular game developers, including those working right here in the local area. Pixels & Pieces, a series of game design workshops that scaffold learning techniques from concept to final product, was developed in Fall of 2015 to support UNT courses and certifications offered to students interested in game development careers.There are several ways you can help the Media Library make these events more beneficial to UNT students:


Share your experience with the UNT community by speaking at one of the Media Library’s many gaming events.


Bring your projects to the Media Library for students to playtest/demo and receive valuable feedback.

Offer a copy of your board, video, console, or PC game to the UNT community by adding it to the growing Media Library gaming collection. We hope to build up a collection that will allow instructors, researchers and scholars to access a full range of historically and culturally important games.

If you are interested in donation materials to the Media Library, please contact

Financial contributions can be made by visiting Giving to UNT.