The Portal to Texas History Endowment


Every month, more than half a million people from around the world use The Portal to Texas History to discover historical treasures from more than 200 collaborative partners at museums, libraries, and archives across Texas. With a digital library infrastructure that empowers the open sharing of cultural heritage materials, the Portal has transformed the humanities capacity of its partners. The Portal provides free public access to a wealth of Texas history and culture, and has been used by scholars for academic research as well as by K-16 students and educators, and lifelong learners.

In fall 2012, UNT’s University Libraries established the Portal to Texas History Endowment. The endowment will enable UNT to extend the impact of the Portal by creating a permanent, sustainable source of income. Funds derived from this endowment will serve as a catalyst for enhancing future technology development, acquisition and support; for adding collections and content to the Portal; and for creating lesson plans and supporting new educational initiatives.

An investment in The Portal to Texas History is an investment in the future of Texas. The time is now. Please support the Portal and its 250 partners as we bring Texas history and culture to the world. Find your story at

Please complete The Portal to Texas History Endowment Donation Form (PDF), and make checks payable to the UNT Foundation, account #79495. You may also donate with your credit card using our Secure Giving Form.