The purposes of the competition and symposium are: to encourage the development of students’ work in the medium of Artists’ Books, to foster the creation of Artists’ Books, to reward excellence and creativity in the Artists’ Books, and to build the collection of Artists’ Books in the UNT Libraries’ Special Collections. Entries will be accepted in two categories: a Student Purchase Prize category and a Non-Student category. One winner will be selected from each category, but the $400 purchase award will only be given to the winner of the student category. Honorable mention awards will be given in each category at the discretion of the jurors. Additional entries from both categories may be selected for purchase dependent upon availability and budget restrictions of UNT Special Collections.
For the first time ever, the competition will conclude with a one-day book arts symposium to be hosted by UNT Special Collections, and held within Willis Library on Saturday, March 23, 2024. This symposium will feature a pop- up display of entries, along with a reception to honor the purchase prize winner and honorable mentions of this year’s competition, and other opportunities for students and others to connect with, explore, and celebrate the field of book arts. More information will be available about symposium events and the schedule in early 2024. Student Purchase Prize Category.
All eligible entries in the Student Purchase Prize category must be available for purchase into UNT Special Collections for $400. The item chosen for the purchase prize will become a permanent addition to the Artists’ Book Collection in UNT Special Collections, and will be highlighted at the UNT Special Collection’s Book Arts Symposium to be held on March 23, 2024.
Non-Student Category
Although entries in this category are not eligible to win the purchase award, the competition is open to alumni, faculty and staff of the University of North Texas and members of the local community. If you would like to enter up to three items in the competition, you are highly encouraged to do so. Even though the items are not eligible for the prize, if accepted, they will be shown at the UNT Special Collection’s Book Arts Symposium on March 23, 2024, which will give the work exposure to the campus and community.
Eligibility Requirements
Any Artists’ Book created within the last two years is eligible. All media are welcome. Books of all shapes and sizes are welcome. Entries that are not able to be displayed securely during the symposium will have photographs of the item displayed in lieu of the actual entry. Entries meeting eligibility requirements will be displayed during the UNT Special Collection’s Book Arts Symposium on March 23, 2024, along with a reception to honor the purchase prize winner and honorable mentions. A maximum of three books may be submitted. There is no jury fee.
Entry Procedure
A completed entry form (type or print legibly), identification labels attached to individual works, and SASE for return of entries if being mailed must be included with the artwork. Works will be accepted December 4-8, 2023. All communications with participants will be through email, unless participant indicates other preferred method. Deadline: Friday, December 8, 2023 by 4:00pm.
Artists are encouraged to hand-deliver work to Willis Library, Special Collections, Room 437, UNT, between 9am and 4pm Monday, and Wednesday-Friday. Special arrangements can be requested to deliver items on Tuesday by contacting specialcollections@unt.edu.
Work may be shipped in a reusable container prepaid via UPS, Parcel Post, or FedEx. It is the artist’s responsibility to include return shipping (please do NOT enclose checks or cash). Ship work(s) to:
UNT Libraries Artists’ Book Competition
Attn: Meagan May
University of North Texas
Willis Library
1155 Union Circle
Denton, Texas 76203
Return of Work
All hand-delivered work not accepted for display during the symposium must be picked up from Special Collections (Room 437) in Willis Library, January 22 - February 2, 2024 between 9am and 4pm Monday, and Wednesday - Friday. Special arrangements can be requested to pick up entries on Tuesday by contacting specialcollections@unt.edu. All shipped works not accepted will be returned in original packing material by February 2, 2024. Any shipped works that do not include return shipping must be picked up no later than February 2, 2024 by 4pm.
All reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure protection of the work while in the care of the UNT Libraries. However, no liability will be assumed by the University of North Texas, its staff, faculty, or students for loss or damage to any work submitted for any reason before, during, or after the competition and symposium. Insurance is the responsibility of the artist.
December 4 – 8, 2023
Delivery of work from artist to Willis Library, Special Collections (Room 437)
January 12, 2024
Jurors’ selections completed
January 19, 2024
Notifications made
January 22 – February 2, 2024
Works not accepted for symposium display will be returned or picked up
March 23, 2024
Works are displayed during the Special Collection’s Book Arts Symposium
April 1 - 12, 2024
All exhibition works picked up or shipped to artist by this date
Each entry must have a legible entry form with name and contact information.If return postage is not included, works may be picked up in person in Willis Library. UNT Libraries is not responsible for works not picked up by April 14, 2024.