Aquiline Books: Publishing Services


Below is a description of the various services offered when publishing new works in Aquiline Books. In most cases, work is carried out by freelancers or publishing-services vendors contracted by the UNT Libraries. Note that there is a separate list of services for UNT Faculty Reprints.

The actual cost of these services varies based on the particulars of your work; use our cost estimator to estimate the cost for your work. Fees may be paid using subventions (grants to be used toward Aquiline Books fees), research funds, grants (including intramural awards), and/or other sources of funding, including by paying out of pocket.

diagram of services offered for Eagle Editions

Online Publishing (required)

This is required for all new works published by Aquiline Books, but the fee is assessed only if no form of editing is chosen. Includes:

  • assignment of a DOI
  • light proofreading (only skimming for obvious typos or inconsistencies that would jump out at someone skimming through the work)
  • creation of a title page and copyright page
  • simple conversion to PDF
  • archiving in the Aquiline Books collection of the UNT Digital Library
  • adding to the UNT Library Catalog and OCLC WorldCat

Developmental Editing

This first stage of editing includes directly shaping the content of the work, especially the argument, and may involve total rewriting or reorganization of the text. You have the opportunity to review all edits.

Substantive Editing

This second stage of editing deals with the organization and presentation of content and may involve rewriting passages and restructuring tables to make them clearer. This is especially useful for authors who are not native speakers of English. You have the opportunity to review all edits.

Fact & Citation Verification

This third stage of editing includes verification of facts stated in the manuscript (both those with and without citations) against reference sources and verification of citations. You have the opportunity to review all edits.

Mechanical Editing

This fourth stage of editing includes revising a manuscript for consistent spelling, style, and usage without otherwise changing its content. Citations are checked for consistent formatting. You have the opportunity to review all edits.

Permissions Management

This includes investigating which works used within your manuscript require permission from the rights-holder to republish, securing those rights, and providing documentation of these secured rights.

PDF Design & E-book Creation

This includes turning the manuscript into a professionally designed PDF file and creating files for e-book readers. The price varies depending on the complexity of the content, which determines which tools can be used to create the print layout. Per the Aquiline Books publishing agreement, you are provided with page proofs but will be charged for author alterations to the text. You are also provided with any application files (such as an Adobe InDesign or Scribus file) used to create the PDF.


This includes creation of a back-of-the-book index, which is especially useful in a print edition.

This includes assignment of an ISBN for a print edition and a basic text-only cover design if desired (but see Custom Cover Design below). Subject to the printing technology available for the printed volume’s parameters and whether you want the title to be available for stocking by bookstores, the work can either be prepared for printing on demand based on orders, or you can pay for a print run in advance, to be sold over time. This fee includes printing two copies for mandatory deposit at the Library of Congress, a copy for the UNT Libraries collection, and two copies for the UNT Libraries Scholarly Publishing Services, but it does not include printing any copies to sell or for your use! It also includes shipping those copies and your initial order of personal copies to Denton. This fee is waived if you use a third party for printing: we will still assign an ISBN, but you are responsible for providing two copies for the Library of Congress, one for the UNT Libraries collection, and a copy for the UNT Libraries Scholarly Publishing Services.

Custom Cover Design

As an alternative to the basic text-only cover design provided with the Print Setup, this includes a custom cover design based on a questionnaire completed by you and, in some cases, one or more images provided by you if they are acceptable to the designer. The designer provides a proof of the design, and the designer will conduct up to three rounds of revisions for free. If you suggest that the designer find images for the cover, the designer may suggest images which can only be used if you acquire the right to use them (and pay any fee required). You are also provided with any application files (such as an Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, or Scribus file) used to create the cover design.