The Flow System: The Evolution of Agile and Lean Thinking in an Age of Complexity

Book cover for The Flow System

John R. Turner, Ph.D., Nigel Thurlow, and Brian Rivera

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OCLC control number: 1252628367

The Flow System shows how to generate and nurture self-organizing teams that mobilize the full talents of those doing the work to cope with dizzying change and complexity, while also drawing on the contributions of those for whom the work is being done–the customers.
—Steve Denning, author of The Age of Agile

Organizations that pull off this triple helix trick of thinking about the complexity of their systems and the environment in which they’re operating, distributed leadership to engage the collective intelligence and creativity of the organization, and building teams of teams so the whole is greater than the sum of the parts have good chance of keeping up and staying ahead.
—Steve Spear, MIT Sloan School senior lecturer, author of The High Velocity Edge

The Flow System’s Triple Helix provides many of the tools and ways of thinking we will need to do that; it is agile without being doctrinaire about Agile.
—David Snowden, creator of the Cynefin Framework, Chief Scientific Officer of Cognitive Edge

JOHN R. TURNER, Ph.D., is assistant professor at the University of North Texas in the College of Information. NIGEL THURLOW is CEO of The Flow Consortium and the former Chief of Agile at Toyota Connected. BRIAN RIVERA is a former F-14 Topgun pilot and an Agile coach/consultant in the private and military sectors.

978-1-68040-058-8 cloth $29.95
6×9. 296 pp. 2 color illus. 30 figures. Notes. Biblio. Index.
Business. Social Science.
November 2020

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