Patron and Staff Education

This list of websites contains information that may be helpful for you to learn about various preservation-related topics.

Conserve O Grams

A publication of the National Park Service - are a series of 178 leaflets containing information on the identification, care, and handling of library and museum collections as well as tips for disaster preparedness and response, fire safety collections storage, and suggestions for further reading.

The Northeast Document Conservation Center

The Northeast Document Conservation Center has a rich website providing information about their conservation and imaging services, surveys, consultations, workshops and conferences, preservation resources, and disaster assistance. The NEDCC website also provides links to 60 valuable preservation leaflets.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is a grant-awarding agency which focuses on education, conservation, and the continued improvement of access to museum and library services.;

Conservation OnLine

Conservation OnLine is hosted by the Preservation Department of the Stanford University Libraries. It is a full-text library of resources pertaining to conservation topics ranging from copyright to mass deacidification to pest management. It also includes links to a number of rare book and preservation mailing lists.

The National Archives

The National Archives provides detailed information about its own preservation techniques and suggests pro-active actions preservation professionals can take to protect the collections in their care. This site gives step-by-step guidelines for a number of standard procedures for the preservation of library and archival materials.

National Preservation Week

National Preservation Week is a new initiative by the ALCTS division of the American Library Association. Its purpose is to raise preservation awareness throughout and outside of libraries.

The American Institute for Conservation

The American Institute for Conservation maintains a list of professional conservators for a wide variety of materials. It also has a number of leaflets about the preservation of personal collections that are targeted to the general public.