Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body: A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Perspectives and Practices in Counseling

Book cover image for Connecting Soul Spirit Mind and Body

Edited by Ryan D. Foster and Janice Miner Holden

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OCLC control number: 972908214

This edited volume presents spiritual and religious perspectives and practices that can be integrated into counseling, written by experts in the field. Included are topics such as transpersonal experiences, prayer, meditation, and non-traditional spiritual approaches.

Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body is like M & M candies. On the surface it appears one way - a simple and concise introduction to a wide range of spiritual practices. However, in the interior of the book are rich, well-edited chapters full of facts, stories, and a host of observations that are intriguing, interesting, and deep. Connecting links us to the ultimate and meaningful in a way that is enjoyable, scholarly, and unmatched by other works on religion and spiritual perspectives and practices.
—Samuel T. Gladding, PhD, Wake Forest University

Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body addresses many diverse spiritual practices seldom presented in similar texts. Foster, Holden, and their contributors have provided us with a valuable addition to the literature on spirituality counseling.
—Richard E. Watts, PhD, Sam Houston State University

RYAN D. FOSTER is assistant professor of counseling and clinic coordinator in the Department of Counseling at Tarleton State University in Waco, TX. JANICE MINER HOLDEN is professor of counseling and Chair of the Department of Counseling and Higher Education at the University of North Texas in Denton, TX.

978-1-68040-008-3 paper $14.95
6×9. 180 pp. 1 b&w illus. Bib.
Psychology. Spirituality. Counseling. Psychotherapy. Spirituality. Religion.
January 2017

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