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Software Carpentry is a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching students and professionals the basics of programming so they can excel in the workplace. They operate workshops at universities worldwide.
Software Carpentry is run by volunteer instructors who have educated more than 34,000 researchers since 2012 through the organization’s workshops. Volunteers collaborate on GitHub to create upcoming lessons, which you can view here.
UNT Libraries offers hands-on workshops open to students, faculty, and staff who want to improve their programming skills. Participation in our workshops is free.
Through Summer 2022 we are hosting monthly workshops online, generally on the third Thursday of the month. Please check the UNT Libraries calendar for listings.
Register Online Now! Upcoming Workshop
Current Instructors
- Maristella Feustle - Music Special Collections Librarian - UNT Libraries Music Library
- Sarah Lynn Fisher - NDNP Coordinator Oklahoma Historical Newspapers - UNT Libraries Digital Newspaper Unit
- Whitney Johnson-Freeman - Repository Librarian - UNT Libraries Digital Curation Unit
- Manuel (Gio) Gottardi - Software Developer - UNT Libraries Software Development Unit
- Lauren Ko - Supervisor/Software Developer - UNT Libraries Software Development Unit
- Mark Phillips - Associate University Librarian - UNT Libraries Digital Libraries