ID Cards

University Libraries, UNT Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


This policy describes the identification documents (ID) required to borrow library materials. Required documents depend primarily on whether library items are considered State tracked assets (i.e., laptops and other specialized equipment) or general circulating material.

Valid Credentials for Checkout

The following cards are honored at the UNT Libraries:

UNT Students, Faculty, and Staff

UNT ID Cards UNT issued ID cards are used for checking out all library material.

  • UNT Student IDs are valid for the current semester the student is enrolled in courses.
  • A student’s UNT Student ID must be presented to check out laptops and other equipment that are considered State tracked assets.
  • For most other library material, a government issued picture ID will be accepted in place of a UNT ID card once a semester as an exception.

UNT Library Virtual ID Card

The Virtual ID Card is accessed by logging into your UNT Library Account with your EUID and password on the UNT Library Accounts Login page.

  • To be used as directed by an authorized library staff member at the library service desk upon checkout, at the discretion of library staff.
  • The Virtual ID does not apply to borrowing laptops and equipment that are considered State tracked assets.
  • The Virtual ID can only be used on mobile devices.

Students from other UNT Affiliated Campus’ See information about Courtesy Cards below.

If you are not affiliated with the UNT Denton Campus

UNT Libraries Courtesy Cards Courtesy Cards are issued by the UNT Libraries. A picture ID must be present in addition to the courtesy card at the time of checkout.

Registration at the Willis Library Services Desk or through the online Courtesy Card Application form is required prior to the first checkout.

  • Courtesy Cards are valid through the academic year unless there are restrictions based on memberships or other borrowing arrangements.
  • You qualify for a Courtesy Card if:
    • You are a resident of Denton County. Address must be verified before checkout.
    • You are a member of the UNT Alumni Association.
    • You have a current/valid TexShare card issued from a public or academic library, including other UNT affiliated campuses.
    • You have a card issued through OCLC.
    • You are a member of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI).

UNT Library Virtual ID Card The Virtual ID Card is available after a courtesy card has been issued. The Virtual ID Card is accessed by logging into your UNT Library Account with your name, Card ID number, and PIN at the UNT Library Accounts Login page.

  • To be used as directed by an authorized library staff member at the library services desk upon checkout, at the discretion of library staff.
  • The Virtual ID can only be used on mobile devices.


  1. All cards are non-transferable to other patrons.
  2. The applicable card must be present: UNT ID number, picture or copy of an ID card are not considered valid identification for checkout.
    1. The only exception is the UNT Libraries Virtual ID Card.

Cardholder Responsibilities

  1. You are responsible for any material checked out on your ID card and for any fines and/or fees incurred.
  2. You should report the loss or theft of an ID card or Courtesy Card to the Library Services Desk at Willis Library, and to the University ID Office immediately.
  3. You are responsible for material checked out on your stolen ID or Courtesy Card if it has not been reported prior to the unauthorized use.


  • Approved: 06/03/12
  • Revised: 01/11/17, 03/25/24, 02/25/25
  • Reviewed: 02/25/25

License Information

This Policy: "ID Cards" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.