In this model, you are responsible for providing information about your collection, scanning your items, and sending the digital images to us. We create metadata, and process, upload, and digitally preserve your final content. Here are the steps for completing your project:
Before the project begins, you will
- Work with your Portal contact to determine feasibility and costs
- Complete the Project Agreement (Word | PDF) and/or Online Rights Agreement (Word | PDF)
- Communicate your metadata preferences to us using the Metadata Request Form Word | PDF
- Prepare descriptions of your institution and collection on the Display Information Form Word | PDF
- Assign unique identifiers
- Scan your first 50 items and submit the files to the Digital Projects Lab for review
- Make any corrections required by the Lab and then scan your remaining items
- Ship or deliver your content to the Digital Projects Lab
View these steps as a printable checklist: Word | PDF
When your content reaches the Digital Projects Lab, we will
- Confirm delivery of shipped content
- Evaluate digital files to ensure that they meet established Standards; communicate any problems to you
- Complete upload of files to the Portal
- Create metadata records
- Send you status updates as requested
- Notify you of project completion
After your project is completed, we will
- Notify you when your collection is available in the Portal
- Invoice you for cost recovery (if applicable)
- Return digital media (if applicable)