Borrowing Media

University Libraries, Unt Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


This policy describes the patrons’ borrowing privileges, loan periods, and fine rates for media materials.


  1. Library Patron An individual who is eligible to use the UNT Libraries.
  2. Community Member A library patron who is not affiliated with UNT but is eligible for library privileges such as Courtesy and TexShare card holders.
  3. Loan Period The time period that an item can be checked out to a library patron.

DVD, VHS, LaserDisc, Video And Tabletop Games

UNT Students*

Loan period: 3 days**
Renewals allowed: 1 time
Checkouts allowed: 3 items
Fines rate: $1.00 per day per item, $100.00 maximum fine

* Distance Learning Students should contact the Media Library for accommodations.

** If media materials are needed for teaching purposes, an extension for a 10 item / 7 days checkout can be requested by contacting the Media Library.

UNT Faculty and Staff Including Retirees

Loan period: 7 days
Renewals allowed: 1 time
Checkouts allowed: 10 items
Fines rate: No fines

Community Members

  • Use in Media Library only

Media Library Equipment, Gaming Consoles And Peripherals

UNT Students

Loan period: 3 days
Renewals allowed: No
Checkouts allowed: 1 item
Fines rate: $5.00 per day per item, $100.00 maximum fine

UNT Faculty and Staff Including Retirees

Loan period: 7 days
Renewals allowed: No
Checkouts allowed: 1 item
Fines rate: No fines

Community Members

  • Use in Media Library only


All Library Patrons

Loan period: 3 weeks
Renewals allowed: 1 time
Checkouts allowed: 10 items
Fines rate: No fines

Media Special Collections

UNT Students

  • Use in Media Library only

UNT Faculty and Staff Including Retirees

  • May checkout for 7 days for use in class or research

Community Members

  • Use in Media Library only


  • Approved: 05/29/12
  • Revised: 04/17/20
  • Reviewed: 07/08/24

License Information

This Policy: "Borrowing Media" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.