The University of North Texas Libraries invite applications for the 2016 The Portal to Texas History Research Fellowship. Research using the Portal is relevant to studies in a variety of disciplines including history, journalism, political science, geography, and American studies. We encourage applicants to think creatively about the opportunities that research with large digital library collections can enable. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate the greatest potential for publication and the best use of The Portal to Texas History.
The Portal to Texas History 2015 Research Fellowship Awardee
Ben Davis
Project Title
Historic Architecture of Harrison County Texas
Project Description
Historic Architecture of Harrison County Texas, investigates the social experience of architecture by documenting cultural rituals and events that took place at historic structures in Texas over 150 years ago. The culmination of the project will manifest in two formats, an online architectural resource and exhibit of photographs in Harrison County, Texas.
Ben Davis was born in Houston Texas in 1981. In 2007 he moved to Kerrville Texas to attend Schreiner University where he received a B.A. in Creative Arts. Davis currently lives in Denton Texas where he graduated from the University of North Texas with an MFA in photography in May of 2014, and is currently working toward an MSLS in Archival Studies and Imaging Technology. Davis makes frequent excursions to East Texas to document the region’s remaining vernacular buildings and to maintain relationships with friends and family.