Selected Exhibit Images

The Story of Evangelina Cisneros

Cisneros, Evangelina
. The Story of Evangelina Cisneros Told by Herself [and] Her Rescue by Karl Decker. New York, 1898.
Illustrations by Frederic Remington.

Evangelina Cisneros was imprisoned by the Spanish in Havana for her alleged part in an uprising. She was 18, she was beautiful, she was innocent. Thousands of letters poured in from women in America and England, demanding her release. The New York Journal quietly sent a young reporter, Karl Decker, to rescue her. He hacked his way into the prison, lifted her out the window, and they sped away into the night. The story was the perfect embodiment of the anti-Spanish feelings of the American people.


Humboldt, Alexander von and Aimé Bonpland
. Vues des cordilličres et monumens des peuples indigčnes de l’Amérique. Paris, 1810.

Humboldt was a great German scientist and explorer, and Bonpland was a botanist. They made an expedition to America in 1799-1804 and sought to investigate geography, botany, zoology, archaeology, and native customs. This book "is most notable for its remarkable aquatint plates of scenes in South and Central America, particularly the magnificent double-page plate of the great volcano of Chimborazo in the Andean highlands . . . Humboldt’s treatment of [codices] is a landmark in the rediscovery of pre-Columbian civilizations."



The Rose-Colored Spoon Bill

Kidder, Daniel P. and Daniel Cooley Fletcher
. Brazil and the Brazilians, Portrayed in Historical and Descriptive Sketches. Boston, 1857.

Kidder and Fletcher were sent to Brazil as missionaries in 1837. Because of their observations and flair for description, their work is "infinitely better than most books about foreign lands by missionaries." In fact, it "became a classic book about Brazil for North Americans."


Merian, Matthaeus
. America noviter delineata. Amsterdam, 1633.
America Noviter Delineata
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Tabula Novarum Insularum
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Münster, Sebastian
. Tabula novarum insularum. Basel, 1550. From his Cosmographia universalis.

Münster was a fine example of a Renaissance humanist. He was schooled in Latin and Greek, was a professor of Hebrew, and was the "foremost German cartographer of his day." His great work, Cosmographia universalis, was first published in 1544, with additional maps added in later editions. His map of the New World reveals that he depended on both factual sources (the voyages of Verrazzano and Magellan) and fanciful accounts describing South America as the region of giants and cannibals. His use of the name "America" did much to solidify this designation in the minds of Europeans. "Münster’s map of the New World was probably the single most widely distributed map of America of the age."


Peruvian Native
Peruvian Natives
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Paz Soldán, Mariano Felipe
. Atlas geográfico del Perú. Paris, 1865.

After experience as a lawyer and a judge, Paz Soldán was sent as minister to Colombia and then journeyed to the United States, where he studied the penitentiary system. He established an improved system in Peru and was made director of public works. Subsequently, he became minister of foreign relations and of justice. He died in 1886.

This Atlas was published by the order of President Castilla of Peru. It contains many detailed maps of geographic features, plans of cities, and splendid lithographs of city views and native peoples.
















Rickard, Thomas Arthur
. Journeys of Observation. San Francisco, 1907.

Rickard was a well-known mining engineer and historian of mining and culture. This book contains his observations made on his journeys through Mexico and Colorado.

Journeys of Observation


Mexico in 1827
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Ward, Henry George
. Mexico in 1827. London, 1828.

Ward was sent to Mexico as minister plenipotentiary in 1823, returning to England in late 1827. Subsequently, he was appointed governor of Ceylon. This is a classic book on Mexico and Texas in the 1820s. "In addition to its historic importance for Mexico and Texas, this set is also interesting for 19th century illustration in that it contains black and white and handcolored lithographs, aquatints, wood engravings, and copper engraved maps."


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