Title Index
Blue Ribbon Publishing
Dean and Sons
French Movables
S. Louis Giraud
Viotech Kubasta
McLouglin Brothers
Lothar Meggandorfer
Ernest Nister
S and J Fuller
1965 to present
Raphael Tuck and Sons
Julian Wehr


In the 1930s, Blue Ribbon Publishing of New York worked with talented artists and engineers to produce a successful series of imaginative pop-ups. Many of the books' colorful characters were inspired by the recent popularity of Walt Disney animation. Notably, Blue Ribbon introduced term "pop-up" to market their books.  

Puss in Boots

Puss In Boots

Puss in Boots. Illustrated pop-up ed. New York: Blue Ribbon Press, 1934. Illustrated by C. Carey Cloud and Harold B. Lentz.


The New Adventures of Tarzan

The New Adventures of Tarzan

Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The New Adventures of Tarzan "Pop-up." Illustrated pop-up ed. Chicago: Pleasure Books, 1935." A Blue Ribbon Press book." Illustrated by Stephen Slesinger.

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Introduction | Blue Ribbon Publishing | Dean and Sons | French Movables | S. Louis Giraud | Voitech Kubasta | McLoughlin Brothers | Lothar Meggendorfer | Ernest Nister | S and J Fuller | 1965 to Present |
Raphael Tuck and Sons | Julian Wehr | Title Index | Site Map

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