Victorian Bookbinding

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Painted Covers

Frémont, John Charles. Memoirs of My Life, with a Sketch of the Life of Senator Benton by Jessie Benton Frémont. Chicago: Clarke & Co., 1887.

Brown cloth blocked in gold, black, silver, blue, and red on front; gold, black, blue, and red on spine; with beveled boards.

Memoirs of My Life



Wanderings of a War Artist

Montagu, Irving. Wanderings of a War Artist. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1889.

Green cloth blocked in gold, black, red, pink, and white on front and spine, gold on back.



Rickard, T. A. Journeys of Observation. San Francisco: Dewey Publishing Company, 1907.

Green cloth blocked in black, red, and white on front and spine. The subject matter and the wrap-around pictorial illustration prefigure a favorite style of the 1940s.

Journeys of Observation


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