Victorian Bookbinding

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Tuttle, Charles R. Tuttle's Popular History of the Dominion of Canada. Montréal: D. Downie & Company, 1877.


Black sand-grained cloth blocked in gold on front, spine, and back. An interesting Canadian binding, patterned after medieval clasped books yet utilizing native elements of design.

An Illustrated History of the Dominion





Glückliche Kinderzeit. Ca. 1880.

Chromolithograph onlay.

Glückliche Kinderzeit


Briefe an eine Jungfrau über die Hauptgegenstände der Aesthetik

Oeser, Christian. Briefe an eine Jungfrau über die Hauptgegenstände der Aesthetik. Leipzig: F. Brandstetter, 1892.

Red cloth deeply embossed, blocked in gold, black, and blind on front, gold on spine, and in blind on back, with beveled boards.


Von Liliencron, Detlev. Kampf und Spiele. Berlin: Schufter & Loeffler, 1897.

Von Liliencron, Detlev. Nebel und Sonne. Berlin: Schufter & Loeffler, 1900.

Brown cloth blocked in gold, black, and green, and gold on spine. An excellent example of Jugendstil, the corresponding Art Nouveau movement in Germany. This particular design is based on the author’s name: Lilien = lily, Cron = crown. 

Detlev Von Liliencron Vols.




Les Maîtres de l’Affiche

Les Maîtres de l’Affiche. 2 vols.  Paris: Imprimerie Chaix, 1896.

Blue cloth blocked in green, black, and beige on front, spine, and back, with beveled boards. One of the most famous publications of art of the Art Nouveau period, this series contains splendid lithographed posters by such artists as Toulouse-Lautrec, Mucha, and Will Bradley.


Bonhomme, Honoré. La Société Galante et Littéraire au XVIIIe Siècle. Paris: Édouard Rouveyre, 1880.

            Binding: Chambolle-Duru
Orange morocco leather, with paneled spine, gilt lettering, and gilt rules and stamps.


La Société Galante et Littéraire au XVIIIe Siècle


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