New Items of Interest !
Wanted: Walkable Communities
Take charge of your community's safety -- and protect your pedestrians. Reclaim your
streets and revitalize your neighborhoods and business districts. Here's how to start.
important brochure is now available for download, customizing to your own needs and
printing at your local service bureau! (Only available for users of Quark X-Press
3.32 or later.)
Click here to download a self-extracting Macintosh
archive (17.3 MB) with all fonts and images included!
Click here to download a self-extracting PC
Zip archive (15 MB) with all images included!
WALK! Video
WALK! is a 12-minute video that defines the pedestrian safety
problems, identifies the key players, and outlines the steps toward the development of an
effective community action plan."Local
Sponsor's Guide"
This Guide provides an overview of the Pedestrian Safety Road Show and lays out
what needs to be done to make it a successful event for your community.
Click here to download a self-extracting
WordPerfect 6.1 version of this Guide (53 kb).
Click here to download a self-extracting
Powerpoint slideshow (121 kb).
Pedestrian Safety Roadmap &
Resource Catalog
A comprehensive catalog for communities wishing to develop their own pedestrian safety
action plans. Resources listed include funding sources, training programs, videos, school
materials, and technical guidelines.
Click here to download a self-extracting
WordPerfect 6.1 version of this document (103 kb).
"Pedestrian Forum" newsletter
Browse the newsletter to find
out the latest development in the pedestrian area.