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Pedestrian Safety Roadshow


Thank you for taking the most important step in making your community a safer, more pedestrian-friendly place to live and work! By hosting the Pedestrian Safety Road Show, you are starting a process that should change forever the way your community deals with the most fundamental form of transportation -- walking.

This Guide is designed to make your job as a local sponsor as easy as possible. It provides an overview of the Pedestrian Safety Road Show and lays out what needs to be done to make it a successful event for your community. If you have organized community groups before, many of the suggestions may seem obvious to you. These suggestions are primarily designed for someone who has never taken on an assignment like this. If you have your own procedures for organizing such an event, feel free to follow the procedures with which you are most familiar.

There are a few items covered in the Guide that we believe are essential and should not be ignored. These are marked with a This Is Important! indicating that they need to be done.

The National Bicycle and Pedestrian Clearinghouse at 1-800-760-NBPC can provide further technical assistance, or you may call the FHWA at 202-366-8044.

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