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Pedestrian Safety Roadshow
North Dakota
U.S. DOT Contacts
Region 8 Bicycle & Pedestrian, Scenic Byways, and Transportation Enhancements Coordinator
Lloyd Rue
(303) 969-5772 x 352

Region 8 Scenic Byways and Recreational Trails Coordinator
Lorrie Lau
(303) 969-5772 x 335

North Dakota Division Safety Program Coordinator
Steven Busek
(701) 250-4348

North Dakota Division Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
Steven Busek
(701) 250-4348

North Dakota Division Transportation Enhancements, Scenic Byways, and Recreational Trails Coordinator
Calvin Larson
(701) 250-4341

| State Contacts
Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
Bennett R. Kubischta
(701) 328-3555

Transportation Enhancements Coordinator
Bennett R. Kubischta
(701) 328-3555

Scenic Byways and Recreational Trails Coordinator
Randy Harmon (Parks & Rec.)
(701) 328-5369

Governor's Highway Safety Representative
Marshall Moore
(701) 328-2581

| Roadshow Schedule

If you'd like to schedule a Roadshow in North Dakota, please feel free to contact anyone of the following facilitators:

Roadshows Completed

  • Grand Forks
    John Thompson
    (701) 746-2640

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration