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Pedestrian Safety Roadshow
U.S. DOT Contacts
Region 7 Bicycle & Pedestrian, Scenic Byways, and Recreational Trails Coordinator
Kathy Facer
(816) 276-2754

Region 7 Transportation Enhancements and Recreational Trails Coordinator
Ken Bechtel
(816) 276-2752

Nebraska Division Safety Program Coordinator
John Perry
(402) 437-5974

Nebraska Division Bicycle & Pedestrian, Transportation Enhancements, Scenic Byways and Recreational Trails Coordinator
Ed Kosola
(402) 437-5973

| State Contacts
Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
Ron Schlautman
(402) 479-4338

Transportation Enhancements and Scenic Byways Coordinator
R. James Pearson
(402) 479-4881

Recreational Trails Coordinator
Kathleen (Pat) Foote (Game and Park)
(402) 471-5425

Governor's Highway Safety Representative
Alvin Abramson
(402) 471-2281

| Roadshow Schedule

If you would like to schedule a Roadshow in Nebraska, please feel free to contact the following facilitator:

Nebraska Technology Transfer Center:

  • Bill Bowmaster (Lincoln, NE)
    (402) 472-5748
  • Dan Cady (Lincoln, NE)
    (402) 472-5748

LTAP Center:

Other Trained Facilitators:

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration