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Pedestrian Safety Roadshow

Facilitator Training Agenda


TIME Topic Expanded for Facilitator
9.00-10.15 Introduction/Participants introduction

Why are we here today?

3-day process - agenda

Introduction/Participants introduction -

Participants split into groups of 5 or so and introduce themselves, they each tell a pedestrian story. One person from each group will introduce all of that group anbd relate the "best" story

Discuss what is the "Roadshow"

Compare Workshop objectives vs the Roadshow objectives (O/H slide)

Show video

Why are we here today? - Overview Slides

Briefly go-over the next 3-days -agenda, and ensure that each participant has the following Roadshow materials: Instructor’s Guide, local Sponsor’s guide, Resource Catalog, Video, Vision slides (Module 4), Binder

10.15-10.30 Break
10.30 - 11.00


Roadshow Overview

REF: Inst’s Guide

Roadshow Process - O/H slides

Roadshow Agenda/Expected outcomes

Customerizing the Roadshow to the needs of the community - How was this done for Springfield

Ref:Local Sponsor’s guide - use of questionaire and local audit and importance of the local host

11.00 - 12.30



Distribution of Crashes (DOC)

Vision of a Walkable Community 35mm Slide Show

Inst. Guide - pg13

Facilitator divides the participants into 4 groups (these 2 exercises are linked to the audit):

1. Facil. discuss the DOC and gives each group 10 mins to discuss a particular crash type and report verbally on some of the counter measures that can be used.

This discussion is followed by the Vision slides - relate to DOC and audit

- what a community can become!

(Ref. Set of slides provided and their use, need of potential facilitators to build their own slide-base)

12.30 - 1.30 LUNCH
1.30 - 2.00


Pedestrian Audits


Discuss Pedestrian Audits - focus on a range of issues: engineering, enforcemenrt, education, - can combine slides and discussion.

Reference the "Checklist" as an example

2.00 - 2.45 Group formation and

Walking Audit (Groups of 5)

Walking Audit (Groups of 5) of selected area in community. A member of each group will assume a different role - child, senior, intoxicated pedestrian, wheelchair, working/busy adult, etc. They act this out in their walk. They note what worked/liked and what did not work.
2.45 - 3.00 Break Break
3.00 - 4.00 Discussion of Audit findings

Expectations for local Community Roadshow

Discussion of Audit/Findings

Expectations for Roadshow -

(facilitator can get a few folks to assist at the break out sessions during the Roadshow)

4.00 - 5.30 (Facilitator ONLY mets with decision-makers - to report back to larger group)




TIME TOPIC Expanded for Facilitator
8.00 - 12.30 Transportation to location


(NOTE: Local Roadshow can also be done in the afternoon)

Final preparation


12.30 - 1.45 Lunch
1.45 - 3.00 Critique of Road Show

(SEE module 2 info. for "Expected Outcomes")

Round table discussion

Complete discussion by relating back to the O/H slides on "Expected Outcomes" in Module 1

Facilitator report on previous meeting with decision makers

3.00 - 3.15 Break
3.15 - 5.00 Effective Meetings

Exercises: 1 and 2

Facilitation Tips

Exercise (45 mins)



Facilitator forms one group of 6-8 and gives a particular role to each (this should be pre-assigned), the rest of the group observes and provide comments later on. The roles can be persons who are argumentative, disruptive, narrow focused, dominator, listener, negative. The facilitator for this group is asked to facilitate a meeting on "Road Safety Issues" on ______ Street, Springfield. The idea is for the group members to act out their role and the facilitator to use different methods to address each characteristic as they arise. The group should be pre-selected and told their roles. The rest of the group will discuss how the characteristics and problems were addressed/can be addressed after.




8.30 - 9.00 Review day1/2  
9.00 - 10.30



Individual Presentation

Responsibilities of Instructor vs Local Host of Roadshow

Facilitator to decide on format

Discuss role/responsibility of Facilitator of a Roadshow vs

local Host of a Roadshow

10.30 - 10.45 Break  
10.45 - 12.15 Final Roadshow elements:

1.Organizing for Success

2.Where do we go from here?


REF: Inst. Guide - 20-27

Briefly discuss the other areas as per Instructors Guide and their importance in the Roadshow:

1.Org. For success

2.Where do we go from here?


12.15 - 1.00 Lunch  
1.00 - 3.00 Local Sponsor’s Guide Document - (Checklist Review)

Experimental Process

WRAP-UP/Final questions

Discuss the local Sponsor’s guide and the importance of each section

Discuss other materials -

Resource Catalog,

Video, Brochure, web page (with "pedestrian chat" module and updates of guides)

Briefly discuss with flowcharts - stress the use of this process in using some innovative signs and technologies.

Local Host spends 30-45 mins or so and discuss among their group an approach/plan for their State-



  1. The facilitator training is a 3 day session, normally held from Tuesday to Thursday.
  2. The Pedestrian Safety Roadshow (PSRS) with the local community is normally held on the afternoon or evening on Day 2 (Wednesday) of the training. The agenda will be modified based on timing of the PSRS. (The local Sponsor’s Guide under the Section "Safety Tools" provides information on the hosting the Pedestrian Safety Roadshow.)
  3. The location of the training must be close to or within the same community as the PSRS, so the potential facilitators can attend and observe the process. Preferably within walking distance.
  4. The agency that wishes to host the training, needs to supply the conference facilities including all audio equipment. The Facilitator for the training session is supplied at no-cost to you.
  5. The recommended number of participants for this training session is 20-25.
  6. The participants for this training can come from numerous disciplines in state, local and federal agencies such as; engineering, planning, enforcement, injury control, safety specialists, parks and recreation, transit, university, also advocates and other persons who have an interest in and work within the pedestrian area. These persons must be committed to, have the support of their organizations, and be willing to meet with communities possibly in the evenings to host the Pedestrian Safety Roadshow.
  7. Please join us in creating a "Pedestrian safe and walkable Nation"

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