HIGHWAY TECHNET VIRTUAL EXPO STRUCTURES INDEX DP-102 Bridge Construction (Narrow Gap Improved Electroslag Welding) Narrowing the ESW Gap |
On February 16, 1977, the Federal Highway Administration issued FHWA Notice 5040.23, which placed a moratorium on using Electroslag Welding (ESW) for weldments on primary structural tension members on bridges. The notice followed the discovery of a fractured flange in a major river crossing structure. That notice effectively eliminated the use of the ESW process from all bridge welding even though the process is allowed by the "AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges" for welding compression members.
A 2-day workshop on the new NGI ESW method is under development by the Industrial Research Laboratory (BIRL) at Northwestern University. It will include hands-on welding demonstrations. A total of 18 workshops (two per FHWA region) will be conducted over an 18-month period beginning in late 1995. Workshop on Electroslag Welding.
HIGHWAYTECHNET VIRTUAL EXPO STRUCTURES INDEX U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration