
Office of Technolgy Applications - Moving America through innovative technology

Restructuring - Making What's Good Even BetterOffice of Technology Applications
Officially Closed
February 2, 1999

(Files from this Web site are now available from the UNT Libraries Research Collections site for Office of Technology Applications - HIGHWAY TECHNET .)

In keeping with President Clinton's priorities to create a government that works better and costs less, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) launched a comprehensive evaluation of the agency's organizational structure in May of 1997. We did this because our future depends on delivering quality services quickly, working with our transportation partners in the common goal of building the finest transportation system in the world. Yet, as many companies and agencies across the nation have discovered, what were good business practices yesterday may no longer be effective today. Some changes were necessary. In our review, we looked at ways to streamline FHWA's field organization and enhance the program delivery role of our division offices, which work directly with our partners and customers in each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

We eliminated a layer of decision-making and empowered our division offices by giving them more authority and resources. We established resource centers to leverage our technical expertise in support of our partners and customers. Then, we looked at our headquarters organization. We identified five core businesses, which focused on our strategic goals and objectives. Technology delivery will be an integral part of each of these core businesses. We will have new units to provide agency-wide leadership for professional development and corporate management.

Our strategic plan is the blueprint that will help us cross into the next millennium. Our new organization focuses resources, reduces duplication, provides efficient service, and improves collaboration throughout the organization.

Unfortunately, as a result of the reorganization the Office of Technology Applications was closed. The people and resources have been redistributed throughout the agency. This web site will remain up for a few months to provide a short transition while the important information is placed in other areas of FHWA’s web presence. We firmly believe this framework will serve our partners well as we position ourselves to contribute to a unified transportation system for the 21st century.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Designed and developed by Avalon Integrated Services Corp. under contract to the FHWA.