DP-75 Mobile Concrete Laboratory (SHRP)
Concrete On the Road
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Because today's construction focuses heavily on rehabilitation and reconstruction, highway engineers are placing ever greater demands on Portland Cement Concrete. These demands include lower permeability, higher and earlier strength, along with improved workability. Many concrete admixtures are available today that specifically address these demands. However, prerequisites for understanding and effectively using these admixtures include: innovative mix designs, testing equipment, and techniques.

The goals of this project include demonstration of state-of-the-art concrete technology in materials selection and mix design, as well as both laboratory and field testing. Project activities encompass guidance for updating specifications, use of computer technology for design, and use of innovative and nondestructive testing equipment to enhance QA/QC testing. An active partnership with manufacturers, contractors, industry associations, and academia is encouraged and maintained in all of the project's activities.

This project demonstrates the use of innovative laboratory and in situ testing equipment, while promoting the effective use of high-performance concrete and chemical and mineral admixtures.

The mobile concrete laboratory is available to demonstrate new and innovative testing equipment onsite at projects or arrange for the laboratory to be on display in conjunction with conferences or workshops. The laboratory contains the normal field testing equipment such as air meters, slump cones, compression machine, ovens, curing tanks, etc. and in addition has innovative equipment such as maturity meters for predicting strength, impact-echo for measuring concrete thickness and flaw detection, match-cure molds, air void analyzer for measuring the air void properties of fresh concrete, pull-off device for measuring the bond strength of overlays in the field, etc.

The mobile concrete laboratory is also available to support other testing requirements related to TE-30 "High Performance Concrete Pavements", TE-36 "High Performance Concrete", DP-119 "Quality Concrete" and field simulations for Performance Related Specifications for concrete pavements.

Mobile laboratory, telephone and onsite assistance, speakers, specialized workshops and seminars, and nondestructive equipment loan program.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration


Project Manager
Gary Crawford
(202) 366-1286

Project Coordinator
Suneel Vanikar
(202) 366-0120