DP-112 Public Safety Campaign to Improve Compliance With Traffic Control Devices
Don't Run That Red Light!

In this project, staff from FHWA Headquarters and a contractor are providing assistance to 32 localities to implement the "Model Red Light Running Campaign" for traffic control device compliance developed in AP-70. The technical assistance will consist of such things as (1) the development and conduct of surveys with which to determine attitudes, knowledge, and behavior regarding compliance with traffic signals; (2) assisting the locality with the development of a "Strategic Plan" for implementing the red light running campaign; (3) assisting as needed the locality during the campaign; (4) assisting with the development of a post-campaign survey to measure effectiveness of the effort; and (5) assisting with the preparation of the final report.

A social marketing firm has been contracted with to provide the technical assistance needed. The firm has developed site coordinators for each locality and worked with the coordinators to develop campaigns. Some campaigns have been completed and others are ongoing. Summary reports are being completed for incorporation into a final report at the conclusion of the project.

Training for FHWA Regional and Divisional personnel has begun, and selections of localities have been made with grants awarded. Project staff from Headquarters and a contractor are proving assistant to 32 localities to implement the "Model Red Light Running Campaign" for traffic control device compliance developed in AP-070. The technical assistance consists of such things as (1) the development and conduct of surveys with which to determine attitudes, knowledge, and behavior regarding compliance with traffic signals; (2) assisting the locality with the development of a "Strategic Plan" for implementing the red light running campaign; (3) assisting as needed the locality during the campaign; (4) assisting with the development of a post-campaign survey to measure effectiveness of the effort; and (5) assisting with the preparation of the final report.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration


Project Manager
Mila Plosky
(202) 366-6902

Project Coordinator
David Smith
(202) 366-6614