Volume 1 · Issue 1

A Sampling of Campaign Kickoffs
Kickoff Map

Portland, OR - Kickoff date: May 14, 1996. AAA Oregon ran an article supporting the campaign, highlighting the kickoff date in their newsletter that reaches over 250,000 area residents. Over 40 calls from concerned citizens were received in the two days following.

Phoenix, AZ - Kickoff date: April 23, 1996. Excellent press coverage of their kickoff included three local TV stations and two local newspapers, two live broadcasts on morning news shows, and coverage from the local Spanish station. Event attendees included the mayor, a city council representative, the chief of police, and the FHWA division administrator.

Lancaster, PA - Kickoff date: April 22, 1996. Regional and division FHWA Traffic Safety Engineers spoke at the kickoff event, which was covered by the local NBC affiliate. Enforcement efforts began immediately following the event.

Tuscaloosa, AL - Kickoff date: March 4, 1996. This site kicked off the targeted enforcement aspect of the campaign on April 1, 1996. That same day, there was a violent three-car collision at one of the intersections targeted for increased enforcement.

Oklahoma City, OK - Kickoff date: May 23, 1996. FHWA Administrator Rodney Slater spoke at the press event for the campaign dedicated to Lucio Aleman, Jr., an FHWA traffic engineer, who was killed in the bombing of the Federal Building in 1995. Administrator Slater presented Mr. Aleman's family with certificates honoring his memory.


U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration