Volume 1 · Issue 1
 Helpful Hints for Your Campaign

This column will be a regular feature in upcoming issues and will highlight events and activities (and other unique goodies) that certain sites have found successful and may be of benefit to your campaign. This issue's hints are as follows:

Natchez, MS, had their mayor sign a proclamation designating their kickoff week as "National Red Light Running Awareness Week."

A bakery in Lexington, KY, provided complimentary refreshments for their kickoff ­ cookies in the shape of traffic signals!

Campaign coordinators in Tuscaloosa, AL, have appeared on local radio call-in shows to educate citizens about the campaign and traffic safety in general.

Residents of Portland, OR, can call in to sign a "pledge" not to run red lights and receive a free bumper sticker.

Phoenix, AZ, provides information and updates about their campaign on the city's Web page on the Internet.

Newspapers in Lancaster, PA, are publishing weekly citation results throughout the enforcement period of their campaign.

Closed-captioned versions of the two TV PSAs and a Spanish translation of the campaign survey are now available. Contact your GEI marketing consultant.


If you would like to include a helpful tip in next month's edition, call your Global Exchange marketing consultant at (301) 656-3100 or e-mail us at Global Exchange

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration