Are there safe places to walk in your neighborhood?

Can your children walk to school safely?

Do you think our city is pedestrian-friendly?


These questions are being asked by more and more people every day. And they are not pleased with the answers. It's time to do something about it!

In response to the growing concerns about walking in __________, the __________ is sponsoring

The Pedestrian Safety Road Show

as the first step in our campaing to improve the conditions for pedestrians in our community.

The Pedestrian Safety Road Show is a community workshop designed to mobilize the resources necessary to make __________ a safe place to walk. You are invited because you are one of the vital resources that are needed to make our campaign a success.

During the seminar, you will learn about the problems that pedestrians face every day, and you will join with others to develop an action plan for making __________ more walkable.


Your input is needed! Please join us!

RSVP: __________________________________________



Phone: ____________________


Provide a street map of your community showing th concentration of pedestrian crashes. If any unusual cluster of pedestrian crashes were found to co-exist, determine if their are any common causation factors. This information will be presented at the Roadshow by your representative.