Appendix B: Local Data Questionnaire

Pedestrian safety is a uniquely local problem. As a rule, people do not walk great distances. They walk to school, or to work, or to the neighborhood grocery store. The problems they encounter along the way usually fall under the jurisdiction of local government agencies, who may be responsible for designing the streets or enforcing the traffic laws. While the pedestrian crash problem nationally is a serious concern of the U.S. Department of Transportation, that agency recognizes that this national problem can only be solved through the dedicated efforts of local government agencies, private sector organizations and the general public. Given this, efforts to convince local decision-makers to consider pedestrian safety issues are much more effective when they are based on local data and local issues rather than on national statistics.

In order for the Pedestrian Safety Road Show Instructor to tailor the presentation to the unique problems and concerns you are facing in your community, he or she must have access to as much information as is readily available on local conditions. This questionnaire is designed to simplify the process of collecting that information. Please complete the questionnaire on the following pages and return it to the address below no later than three weeks prior to the scheduled Road Show.

There may be some questions that you can not answer because you do not have the requested data. That is OK. You are not expected to undertake a massive data collection/analysis effort in order to sponsor a Pedestrian Safety Road Show. It is important, however, that you return the questionnaire, even if it is not complete, so that the Instructor knows what information you have and what information you will have to gather as your program gets more organized.

Once you have completed the Questionnaire, please return it to your local facilitator:

Local Data Questionnaire

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