TITLE: Stop! Look! Listen!: Walking in Traffic Safely AUTHOR: National Safety Council NUMBER: YEAR: FORMAT: Teacher materials (guides for grades K-6, three animated videos, model bus and poster for showing danger zones); Parent materials (video, brochure); Bus driver materials (video, brochure) LENGTH: Teacher's guide: 3 « hours FEE: $55 INTENDED
AUDIENCE:School Officials, Parents of elementary school children, Bus Drivers
DESCRIPTION: This package provides a curriculum for elementary school children who walk and ride a bus. Course lessons include: the danger zones, walking near and evacuating the bus, crossing the street, walking to the bus stop, arrival of the bus, riding the bus, and crossing to and from the bus.
HOW TO GET: Order from:
National Safety Council
800 621-7619
FAX 708 285-0797CROSS LISTINGS: School bus safety, child safety programs, education