TITLE:Pedestrian Safety Road Show
AUTHOR:Federal Highway Administration
LENGTH:4 Hours
Pedestrian Program Coordinators, Safety Specialists, Citizen Activists, Traffic Engineers, Planners, Law Enforcement Officials

The Pedestrian Safety Road Show is a four-hour highly interactive workshop designed to assist local communities to mobilize support for the pedestrian safety issue and begin the process of organizing and implementing a community pedestrian safety program. Topics covered include the nature of the pedestrian safety problem, other walkability issues, and strategies for organizing a community safety program. The Pedestrian Safety Road Show is not a training course. Rather it is a motivational seminar whose focus is on identifying local problems and securing a commitment to solve those problems. The Federal Highway Administration provides all workshop materials and an instructor. Local sponsors are responsible for inviting community participants and providing the facility for the workshop. Recommended participation is 25. Local Sponsors are provided a Local Sponsors Guide to assist in the planning of the Pedestrian Safety Road Show.

HOW TO GET:Order from:
The National Bicycle and Pedestrian Clearinghouse
1506 21st Street, NW
Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 800 760-NBPC, or 202 463-8405
Fax: 202 463-6625
CROSS LISTINGS:walkability, accident data, benefits

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