


1. Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB), Publications Department, 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203-1804, (703) 276-0100. Materials listed may also be available from local Better Business Bureaus.

Business Advisory Service brochures. Titles include:

Advance Fee Loans Credit Card Laundering
Advertising Specialty Office Supply Schemes and
Guidelines for Business Giving Product Promotions Americans with Disabilities Act, Paper Pirates Scams and Schemes
Phoney Insurance Schemes Computer Crime
Schemes Against Business Telemarketing Schemes & Scams

Bulk orders are available. Call for price information.

2. Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF), 1666 K Street, N.W., Suite 1010, Washington, DC 20006, (202) 293-5760, fax (202) 293-7483.

Promises: Check 'em Out! Business Opportunity Fraud. Tips on evaluating a business opportunity with examples and warning signs of fraud. Eight-panel leaflet. One to 49 copies free; 50 or more copies $.05 each.

Pyramid Schemes: Not What They Seem. Describes pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing programs and how to tell the difference between them. Suggests ways to protect yourself from such investments and where to go for further help. Eight-panel leaflet. One to 49 copies free; 50 or more copies $.10 each.

3. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Public Reference Branch, Washington, DC 20580,

(202) 326-2222, TDD (202) 326-2502. Single and multiple copies free.

Buying by Phone. Describes various office supply schemes sold by phone to businesses, provides steps to take to protect your business, and lists sources of assistance if you have a problem. Four-page leaflet.

Franchise and Business Opportunities. Explains the FTC's Franchise and Business Opportunities Rule and lists points to consider before buying a business. Four pages.

Prize Offers. Tips for consumers and business on evaluating prize offers made by mail or telephone. Also describes what steps to take if you have a complaint. Six-panel brochure.

Work-at-Home Schemes. Describes common work-at-home schemes, questions to ask potential employers, and where to complain if your have a problem. Two-page leaflet.

Yellow Pages Invoice Scams. Describes characteristics of phony Yellow Pages invoices, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you are victimized. Six-panel brochure.

4. U.S. Postal Inspection Service, Congressional and Public Affairs, 475 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Room 3140, Washington, DC 20260-2175. Written orders only. Single and multiple copies free.

Mailroom Security Checklist. Lists phone numbers of Postal Inspection Service offices nationwide for reporting postal crimes, security tips for mailrooms, and tips on how to detect fraudulent business schemes. Business envelope sized card.

Postal Crime Prevention: A Guide for Businesses. Describes various types of mail fraud, including boiler room and bust out schemes, advance fee loans, and phony invoices. Also provides information on mail security and addresses of Postal Inspection Service offices. 21-page booklet.

5. Small Business Administration (SBA), Publications, P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-0030. Make check payable to U.S. Small Business Administration; for two or more publications, add $1 for shipping and handling. Mail orders only. For customer service, call (202) 205-6665. For more information on SBA publications or programs, call SBA's Answer Desk at 1-800-827-5722.

Avoiding Patent, Trademark and Copyright Problems. Tells how to avoid infringing the rights of others and the importance of protecting your own rights. $2

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