Browse the CyberCemetery: Brief History of the ACIR

Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government was established by Public Law 80-162 (61 Stat 246) to "study and investigate the present organization and method of operation of the executive branch of the government for the purpose of limiting expenditures and eliminating duplication, and consolidating, abolishing and defining executive services, functions and activities." The Commission was commonly called the "Hoover Commission."



In their concluding report (House Doc. 81-197; Y 3.Or 3:2 Or 3) the Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of Government recommended that a permanent agency "be created with primary responsibility for study, information and guidance in the field of Federal-State relations."



Congress created a temporary Commission known as the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (Public Law 83-109; 67 Stat. 145). This Commission was commonly known as the "Kestenbaum Commission."



Commission on Intergovernmental Relations issued its final report (Serial Set # 11873 v.34; House Doc. 84-198; Y 3. In 8/7: R29).



House Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee conducted a comprehensive study of the recommendations of the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations resulting in Public Law 86-380.


1959 ACIR was established by the 86th Congress (Public Law 86-380; 73 Stat 703) as a "permanent, bipartisan body of 26 members, to give continuing study to the relationship among local, state, and national levels of government."

The Act provided that the Commission would:

  1. Bring together representatives of the Federal, State, and local governments for consideration of common problems;
  2. Provide a forum for discussing the administration and coordination of Federal grant and other programs requiring intergovernmental cooperation;
  3. Give critical attention to the conditions and controls involved in the administration of Federal grant programs;
  4. Make available technical assistance to the executive and legislative branches of the Federal Government in the review of proposed legislation to determine its overall effect on the Federal system;
  5. Encourage discussion and study at an early stage of emerging public problems that are likely to require intergovernmental cooperation;
  6. Recommend, within the framework of the Constitution, the most desirable allocation of governmental functions, responsibilities, and revenues among the several levels of government; and
  7. Recommend methods of coordinating and simplifying tax laws and administrative practices to achieve a more orderly and less competitive fiscal relationship between the levels of government and to reduce the burden of compliance for taxpayers.



Funds were appropriated for ACIR in the Treasury, Postal Services and General Government Appropriations Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-52; 109 Stat. 468). For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1996, $784,000 was appropriated, "of which $450,000 shall be available only for the purposes of the prompt and orderly termination of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations."


1996 ACIR closed.


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