Browse the CyberCemetery: ACIR Bibliography, Senate Documents
Senate document 91
Reorganization of federal government, status of the Hoover Commission reports, with list  of public laws enacted, reorganization plans approved or disapproved, and bills presently pending to effectuate remaining Commission recommendations.
DATE:  1952.
PAGINATION:  iii+ 17p.
82nd Congress
Senate Document 6
Supplemental appropriation.
Commission on Intergovernmental relation, fiscal year 1955
DATE:  January 18, 1955
Senate Document 114
Index to reports of Commission on Intergovernmental Relations including Commissions report, various study committees, staff and survey reports, and supporting documents.
Prepared by Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress at Request of Senate Committee on Government Operations
DATE:  1956
PAGINATION:  iv+ 143p.
Senate Document 80
Five year record of Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and its future role.
Report to Committee on Government Operations by its subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations (pursuant to S. Res. 205, 89th Congress)
DATE:  February 17, 1966
PAGINATION:  ix+ 40p.
89th Congress
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