TITLE:Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Considerations Into State and Local Transportation Planning, Design, and Operations
AUTHOR:The Bicycle Federation of America for the Federal Highway Administration
NUMBER:FHWA-PD-93-017, Case Study #21
LENGTH:65 pages
Traffic Engineers, Planners, Pedestrian Program Coordinators

This study traces how institutionalization (the integration of bicycle and pedestrian considerations into all facets of transportation) is occurring in the federal government. Elements of integration, including bicycle/pedestrian program staff, plans and policy documents, regulations and ordinances, design manuals and practices, training, transportation demand management, maintenance, and citizen participation are discussed. Specific state examples for each element are given. The tensions between bicycle and pedestrian concerns are explored, and ways to legitimize biking and walking as modes of transportation, such as police on bikes, mileage allowances, corporate and agency commuting, events and promotions, laws and regulations, safety and education, and public relations are considered. Also included are a full existing bicycle parking ordinance, SED policies, the agenda for a two-day planning seminar, steps to cooperate commuting, and a list of references.

HOW TO GET:Order from:
The National Bicycle and Pedestrian Clearinghouse
1506 21st Street, NW
Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 800 760-NBPC, or 202 463-8405
Fax: 202 463-6625
CROSS LISTINGS:planning, policies, public participation

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