TITLE: The National Bicycling and Walking Study Final Report: Transportation Choices for a Changing America AUTHOR: Charlie Zegeer, Jane Stutts, Bill Hunter and Wayne Pein of the Highway Safety Research Center and C. David Feske, David Cheeney, Pamela McCarville and Christina Geiger of HDR Engineering, Inc., for the Federal Highway Administration NUMBER: FHWA-PD-94-023 YEAR: FORMAT: Brochure LENGTH: 16 pages FEE: INTENDED
AUDIENCE:Pedestrian Program Coordinators
DESCRIPTION: This brochure provides an overview of 24 case-study research reports addressing various aspects of bicycling and walking. It briefly describes current bicycling and walking trends in the U.S. Also explained are action plans at the federal, state, and local levels.
HOW TO GET: Order from:
The National Bicycle and Pedestrian Clearinghouse
1506 21st Street, NW
Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 800 760-NBPC, or 202 463-8405
Fax: 202 463-6625CROSS LISTINGS: planning, policies