Local / Independent Music Initiative of Texas (LIMIT)

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The Local / Independent Music Initiative of Texas (LIMIT) is an ongoing initiative to collect, preserve, and provide access to music that originates from Texas with an emphasis on music from the Dallas-Fort Worth-Denton metropolitan area. LIMIT is an initiative of the UNT Music Library.


LIMIT brings together music originating in Texas from all genres and time periods, both commercially released and unreleased. All sound recording formats are accepted, as well as posters, handbills, flyers, bios, journals, stickers, patches, setlists, zines, pictures, and videos.

Building the Collection

Purchasing Recordings

We recognize the time, effort, and expense required to write and produce music. In an effort to support local and independent music, we regularly purchase recordings from musicians and local businesses.


We are actively seeking submissions to the LIMIT digital archive. Our digital platform can host music, images, text, videos, datasets, and webpages. Musicians, artists, and other content creators will be asked to sign a Digital Rights Agreement that grants LIMIT permission to digitize, host, and publish online all items to be included in the LIMIT digital archive. The transfer of intellectual property rights is optional. Persons submitting items to the LIMIT digital archive may be asked to fill out a short information sheet for identifying and describing items in the digital archive.