Graduate Services Assistantships and Research Assistantships

Graduate Services Assistants (GSAs)* and Research Assistants (RAs)* have professional responsibilities in UNT’s four libraries. The program is open to full-time Master’s, Doctoral, and Certificate of Advanced Studies (post-Masters) students in a variety of majors.

Types of Appointments

Regular Assistantships

We offer rewarding experience working directly with library users or behind-the-scenes to meet the information needs of our community. Positions are salaried, half-time appointments with nine-month contracts providing stipends and benefits. Most graduate assistants begin work in the fall and are contractually obligated to complete 732 work hours by May 31 of the academic year. However, some positions open later in the school year and therefore bear a reduced stipend and require fewer hours to complete. Salaries are set according to the pay scale developed by the Provost’s office. The compensation plan rewards students for advancing toward completion of their degrees.

Dependent upon funding, summer appointments may be available. Summer appointments are non-salaried, half-time appointments paid at an hourly rate with limited benefits eligibility.

Grant-funded Assistantships

We offer exciting opportunities to participate in research, administration, software development, writing, or other specialized activities related to fulfillment of grant requirements. Positions are usually salaried, half-time appointments providing stipends and benefits. Duration of employment and required skills will vary with each grant. Salaries are set according to the pay scale developed by the Provost’s office. The compensation plan rewards students for advancing toward completion of their degrees.


  • Tuition benefit. Fall/Spring tuition support of up to six hours may be provided to students in .5 FTE graduate assistantship positions. Learn more at the Toulouse Graduate School’s Assistantship Benefits page.
  • Insurance coverage. Graduate students in half-time, benefits eligible assistantship positions have several options for their health insurance needs. Learn more at the Toulouse Graduate School’s Assistantship Insurance Options page. It is your responsibility to sign up for insurance. Be sure to note the application deadline and effective date for the insurance you select.
  • Practicum waiver. Work as a GSA/RA may qualify library and information science students for a waiver of the field experience (practicum) requirement.
  • Other benefits. Please visit the Toulouse Graduate School’s Assistantship Benefits page to discover the full range of benefits that may be available to you.

During periods of summer hourly employment, benefits eligibility may be limited:

  • The tuition benefit is not available to summer hourly assistants.
  • Continuing GSAs/RAs enrolled in the state employee insurance plan (ERS) can maintain insurance coverage through the premium reserve program.
  • GSAs/RAs who begin employment in the summer are not eligible for the state employee insurance plan (ERS) benefits during the summer.

Typical Assignments

Depending upon current openings, a variety of assignments may be available to you. Some examples are:

  • Administrative support
  • Archival processing
  • Cataloging
  • Database maintenance
  • Digital curation
  • Digitization
  • Instruction
  • Preparation of curriculum guides
  • Preservation of library materials
  • Reference services
  • Research and assessment
  • Software development
  • Web site maintenance

Work Schedules

Work schedules vary according to assignment. See individual position descriptions for details.

Available Positions

Please see the main jobs page for a list of currently available positions.

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